Selasa, 14 April 2020

Asteroid 433 Eros Astrolory By Kim Falconer At Good Vibe Astrology Asteroid 433 Eros

Asteroid 433 Eros Astrolory by Kim Falconer at Good Vibe Astrology

GVA Member Content

Hi Everyone!

Asteroid 433 ErosI want to give you an example of asteroid 433 Eros, again, a body I’ve made a special study of over the last 20 + years. To get an idea of how we use Asteroids in Astrology, check this short tutorial – Asteroid Astrology.

in signs, houses and aspect to other planets. With that in hand, you can follow the prompts below to plot 433 Eros in your chart and those of any other natal charts you want to check out. Remember the movie metaphor: Eros is the ‘planet’ or ACTOR, the sign he’s in is his COSTUME. The HOUSE he is in is the set or scene, and the ASPECTS to other planets is the script he’s reading.

If any of this is confusing, shout out in the comments.

Finding Asteroid 433 Eros in your chart

screen-shot-2017-01-11-at-1-42-58-pm1) At input chart data then click to select “Extended Chart Selection”

2) Scroll down to add asteroids and input 433

3) Create chart and view the asteroid 433 Eros placement. Notice what house number he falls in, and what sign. Again, shout out if you get stuck. Everyone in this community is happy to help.

Asteroid 433 Eros Mystery Chart

For my final mystery chart offering, we have a very interesting man. Study where you see Asteroid 433 Eros in his chart below and discuss when, where, how and why passion awakens for this person. You can have a stab at it based on house, sign and perhaps that other planet that’s conjunct, right next door.

eros_glyphRefer back to the glyph tutorial if you get stuck with the symbols. Asteroid 433 Eros is written out at, but the glyph for this asteroid is a heart with an arrow through it, of course! Have fun!

Asteroid 433 Eros Mystery Chart Revealed

Your delineations of the Eros (passion) in the 12th house of the dreams, collective unconscious and spiritual service, in the leadership sign of Aries, conjunct the liberator Uranus square the ambitious and pragmatic Saturn in the house of religion . . . they’ve really moved me. So spot on. Thank you everyone who explored this chart.

Now look at it in “hind sight” knowing who it belongs to. Martin Luther King Jr.

martinlutherkingjnThis man had a dream indeed . . . I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood. A dream he (and Malcom x) knew they would die for.

He inspired millions with his fearless, articulate, arousing, passion. You can say he became a mouthpiece for a collective moment. It doesn’t get more erotic (in the ancient Greek sense of the word) than that.

Where is 433 Eros in your chart? Let’s discuss in the comments!

If you want Kim’s in depth Eros Natal Astrology Report, check out the details at the .


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