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Claiming An Asteroid :: Avorion General Discussions Asteroids Look Like

Claiming an Asteroid :: Avorion General Discussions

EDIT: it has to be an unusually large asteroid without ores; they look like a mashup of several asteroids. You have to get within .2 km to interact with it. Not all "large" asteroids will be claimable-a few will be juuuuust below the size threshold despite looking like a valid asteroid.

Last edited by ; 26 Feb, 2017 @ 11:39pm


26 Jan, 2017 @ 11:55pm 

you can interact with a speacial asteroid

Yes, but how? Just select it and click f?


27 Jan, 2017 @ 1:04am 

Yes, but be really close to it .. below 1Km if my memory serves me well

However, I have found big A's asteroids that ain't claimable. Just look the same. Had one with 180K iron in it

Had to be within 200 meters to claim one.


27 Jan, 2017 @ 2:52am 

How do you build/found stations? I haven't figured that out yet.

go to a shipyard and build a ship with the "module" (sry, to much X :P )in it to build stations/mines

Claimable asteroids are generally visually much larger than normal, ad they can't be "rich" asteroids (The sparkly ones with crap tonnes of resources).


11 Feb, 2017 @ 5:48am 

I can't seem to claim an asteroid. I get right up close (0 km) and select it. I assume I'm then supposed to use the F key to interact with it but I don't get the option. The asteroids are the large, strangely shaped variety without ore in them. What am I missing?

Originally posted by :

I can't seem to claim an asteroid. I get right up close (0 km) and select it. I assume I'm then supposed to use the F key to interact with it but I don't get the option. The asteroids are the large, strangely shaped variety without ore in them. What am I missing?

You might have claimed it previously or its just the wrong asteroid. :)

Might help: The "object detector" will tell you if there's something of interest in that sector. Might be claimable asteroids or other stuff.

The “ore asteroid” can not be claimed, it just a big stuff for you to gain resources. What you can claim is those big asteroids which do not contain any resources.

Originally posted by :

I can't seem to claim an asteroid. I get right up close (0 km) and select it. I assume I'm then supposed to use the F key to interact with it but I don't get the option. The asteroids are the large, strangely shaped variety without ore in them. What am I missing?
You might have claimed it previously or its just the wrong asteroid. :)

Might help: The "object detector" will tell you if there's something of interest in that sector. Might be claimable asteroids or other stuff.

This ^^^. Unless you just want to fly around going up to random large asteroids, most of which won't be claimable, then you need to equip a C43 Object Detector upgrade. One of those will tell you if there are valuable objects in a sector, but lower rarity ones have shorter ranges where they mark the items, so you still may need to fly around an asteroid field before you'll be close enough for it to highlight the target object.

There's also an very obvious visual distinction between possibly claimable and certainly unclaimable rocks. Just because a rock is very irregular doesn't necessarily mean it's claimable though. Like others have said - they do also have to be bare rocks, not resource ones.

I'm not sure if irregular non-resource rocks not being claimable are a bug or just disappointing tbh. :spazdunno:

Edited for screwing up a tag or two. Removed the tagging.

Last edited by ; 11 Feb, 2017 @ 11:35am

your supposed to be able to SELL claimable asteroids?

read it in a guide somewhere anyone done this or can tell me where (its not trade stations or resource depots)

Originally posted by :

your supposed to be able to SELL claimable asteroids?

read it in a guide somewhere anyone done this or can tell me where (its not trade stations or resource depots)

You do it right at the asteroid once you claim it. Interact with it again and you'll have the option to build a mine of your own or sell it.


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