Kamis, 16 April 2020

NASA Says 4-Kilometer Asteroid Will Fly Safely By Earth In April Asteroid 1998 Or2

NASA Says 4-Kilometer Asteroid Will Fly Safely By Earth In April

NASA Says 4-Kilometer Asteroid Will Fly Safely By Earth In April


  • NASA detected a massive asteroid approaching Earth
  • The approaching asteroid is over 4 kilometers wide
  • The asteroid is classified as "potentially hazardous" because of its size

(This article has been corrected to remove all suggestions that the asteroid poses any threat to life on Earth; also removed mentions, in headline and body text, that NASA had issued a warning on the asteroid's approach. The errors are regretted.)

NASA’s Center for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS) is currently tracking a massive asteroid that’s expected to approach the planet next month -- but even at its closest the asteroid poses no threat to Earth.

CNOES identified the incoming asteroid as on Earth if it hits the planet.

The blast wave and energy from its impact would incinerate a large part of the planet. Then, the explosion would produce enough smoke, dust and debris to cover the atmosphere and prevent sunlight from penetrating.

Without sunlight, Earth would eventually experience a nuclear winter that could last for several years. This destructive phenomenon was the same event that led to the extinction of dinosaurs and over 70 percent of all life on Earth following an asteroid impact 66 million years ago.

According to CNEOS, 52768 (1998 OR2) will visit Earth’s vicinity on April 29 at 4:56 am EST. During its approach, it will be about 0.04205 astronomical units or roughly 4 million miles from the planet’s center. So it poses no threat to life on Earth!

Asteroid Day 2015 Are there any actual "doomsday" asteroids we should be worried about on Asteroid Day 2015? Photo: Donald Davis


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