Kamis, 16 April 2020

Pocket Starships - Apps To Play Asteroids Zagraj

Pocket Starships - Apps To Play

Pocket Starships - Apps To Play

Fight pirates, mine resources and complete quests as you explore the unknown universe

Utilize the game's unique crafting and upgrading system to upgrade almost anything

Work together with your allies to ensure dominance or go against each other in epic PvP fights

To infinity and beyond! Pocket Starship is a MMO tactical RPG that brings you a space adventure and conquest game via your internet browser. Getting started is as easy as surfing to the game’s website, clicking Play, fighting a few pirates, register with an email address and entering your in-game name.

The game starts with you choosing between 2 space factions, the Varians and the Shards. These space races if you can call them that, since they’re both obviously human are fighting for territorial space.

Whichever faction you chose you will begin at your main space station. Let’s say we chose the side of the Shards, you will start at Space Station Nereid with a basic starfighter called the Unicorn. It isn’t much but it’s what you got to start with.

Inside the space station you can visit several areas (limited at first) where you can perform certain actions that will get you the things you need to get through the game. The first of these places is the Hangar. This is where you repair and upgrade your ship. You can buy and add a new main weapon (blaster, rocket launcher, etc.) along with the ammo (energy cells, missile projectiles etc.) you want to use, shields, generators and other add-ons to your ship. You also have to stack-up on repair kits which you can buy with in-game cash or manufacture them using the factory. It’s all a matter of point and click to make your choices.

The next important location is the Factory. This is where you can have the things you need manufactured. The weapons, ammo, etc. can be made if you have the minerals to be refined and processed. The sectors of space being contested are full of this minerals or space asteroids which you have to mine, collect and bring back to base. The more you mine, the more resources you have to build. Also, not all rocks are the same, there are several types and each has a specific purpose.

Of course, to manufacture you’ll need minerals, and once you have those minerals from your many excursions to space, you’ll need a place to store them. This is where the Storage area comes in! There is a slide indicator which shows you clearly how much of which minerals you have collected.

There are other areas of the base which you will have to unlock by leveling up. Examples would be the Quest bots hangar that you can use if you have acquired automated harvesters that do the mining for you and the Shop where you can find the micro-transactions aspect of the game. Spend real cash to purchase needed and hard to find items.

Landing and launching from Nereid is easy as choosing a text balloon option that pops up on the screen when you approach the base. There are lots of pop-ups like missions, request, battle information and even micro-transactions as you level up the game.

Most of the time as a shard, you will get your orders from Commander Kate or General Barnett the leader of the Shards. Once you receive your mission, get your ship ready and head for the jump gate. Every sector has one (sounds like SG1) and you won’t miss it. Round, big and with a warp in the middle to catapult you through the far reaches of contested space.

Mission types are mostly combat or mining or both. With combat, you either join a fight group, respond to a back-up request or go Han Solo on your own. You usually have to visit a sector, destroy all the pirates (the pesky sector grabbers who have no allegiances to anything good), re-claim and rebuild the outpost there and defend against wave after wave of incoming enemies. Again, rebuilding an outpost is as simple as clicking a pop-up text box.

When fighting ships, try not to swallow more than you can. Everyone knows you’re a space ace but going up against a starship with your teeny-weeny starfighter would be suicide. Be careful when facing a group of enemy fighters and always use your repair kits when needed.

Most of the sectors have mineral asteroids floating around. You will have to mine these. Click the circular mining tool at the lower right and your weapon becomes a mining laser. Aim it at the rock after which you can unload your collected cargo at the outpost near you or jump back to Nereid.

Just remember that for everything you accomplish, you earn something. Reward, cash, minerals, all of this you can use to build what you need. And a word on an item called solars, they are important. Use them wisely! Every time you speedup an action (build, manufacture, mine, etc…), you use up your solars.

Graphics, is web based so let’s try not expect too much. Sound effects are good, the lady’s voice is beautiful and the soundtrack…awesome though at the same time infuriating. This is what happens when you try to mix the music of StarTrek and StarWars together.

So, yes, give the game a go by all means. You won’t notice how fast time goes by!


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