Selasa, 14 April 2020

Star Wars X Wing: Building An Asteroid Field Asteroids X Wing

Star wars X Wing: Building an asteroid field

Star wars X Wing: Building an asteroid field

Dipublikasikan tanggal 29 Mei 2014

How to create your own asteroids for the game of star wars x-wing miniatures, or for that matter any space related game.

Used Equipment:


- Cardboard cutout of the asteroid: Core game

- Perspex rod (Ø 5-6 mm)

- Transparant Silicone rubber/kit: DIY store

- Lava rocks: Gardening center/DIY store. This box is meant to spruce up a fireplace

- Various paints


- handDrill or dremel with bits the size of your brass and perspex rods

- jigsaw

- Pliers

- Pencil

- File


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