Kamis, 16 April 2020

The Asteroid 5 Astraea - In-The-Sky.org Asteroid 5 Astraea

The asteroid 5 Astraea - In-The-Sky.org

The asteroid 5 Astraea - In-The-Sky.org

The asteroid 5 Astraea

Finder chart

The asteroid 5 Astraea - In-The-Sky.org

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From Bandung , 5 Astraea will become visible around 18:36 (WIB) as the dusk sky fades, 62° above your northern horizon. It will then sink towards the horizon, setting at 00:22.

Name 5 Astraea

Object Type Asteroid

Orbital Elements

Semi-major axis:2.57 AU
Longitude ascending node:141.57°
Argument of perihelion:358.65°
Epoch of elements:21 February 2020
Mean Anomaly at epoch:353.98°

Derived quantities

Perihelion:2.08 AU
Aphelion:3.07 AU
Orbital period:4.13 years

Printable finder charts


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