Kamis, 16 April 2020

[X3LU] X-Missions Reloaded (XM-R) V1.59b Asteroids Reloaded

[X3LU] X-Missions Reloaded (XM-R) v1.59b


The Loot Module is now included in the base XM-R as an optional AL plugin. It is deactivated by default.

Here's the list of its features :

  • Highly recommended, the mod is designed to work with the Loot Module.
  • No more bailing (no more bailing at all). Balanced by the increased loot rate from the start, the special stations, the Data Relay's hacking feature, and the "Golden Opportunity" missions.
  • Custom loot levels unlockable with Perk Points.
  • No more FLC, custom loot levels overwrite it.
  • Each time you loot, you see the color-code based loot value ! (yeah, the old MMO's white, green, blue, orange, purple thing). Can be deactivated.


The changelog can now be seen



X-Missions Reloaded is a total replacement of vanilla generic missions and a completely new script rewritten

from . If you've played the lattest, know that XM-R no longer has sector reputation, bar or backroom.

Missions are accessible through your Personal Missions Assistant (a unique hotkey) and have different credits

reward, racial reputation reward and difficulty level. In a nutshell, it's more like the vanilla system.

Every missions and every difficulty levels are not accessible right from the beginning. You need to accomplish

missions to gain perk points that you can use to unlock new perks. For instance, the extreme difficulty

level (which is a lot harder than "very hard") requires 15 perk points.

If you install XM-R on an advanced game, you may be interested in tweaking the default number of Perk Points in the t file (addon\t\7323-L044.xml).

In X-Missions Reloaded, every mission has been rethought, some of them have been removed and new ones introduced.

Two plots (+ four mini-plots) have also been added. See below for a complete missions list.

Missions are always given by a station. I've kept this from the previous script because that way, the more

you work for a station, the more credits you'll receive after completing a mission.

Therefore, you have a specific reputation for each station of the universe (Argons, Borons,

Paranids, Splits, Teladis, Terrans, Goners).



  • 21 randomized missions and 2 plots, special stations, no time limit, various difficulty levels.
  • X-Missions Reloaded is completely independent from the Mission Director, but it has everything you need, like

    a smart guidance system and even a basic Personal Notes section.
  • Unlike vanilla missions, you can load/unload wares and passengers from any of your ships, through your PMA.

    That means that you can validate a "Fedex" mission without being on the needy station.

    This is very important to understand, because as you gain money, you will be able to use your other ships to

    do a lot of missions at the same time, including collecting astronauts or scanning asteroids. That can be very rewarding,

    but never cheaty, because you'll need to do a lot of synchronized work.

    Use the Additional Ship Commands menu when docked to a station to access your PMA.
  • Three types of missions : pacific, race-war related (Argons VS Paranids, Borons VS Splits, etc.) and anti-pirates.
  • Customizable options in the t file (missions frequency and credits/reputation rewards multipliers, for instance).
  • A new balance in the game. Universal Traders are not as important as before. You will struggle at start, but

    when able to buy used ships and do several missions in a few minutes, life will be better !
  • Custom game starts (optional). The menu shows when you enable the script.

    Take a look at the last screenshot above to see more. Note : "advanced" factories mean that they

    do not need any resources to work.
  • Special stations. Stations that let you build special equipment, hack into ships, do some hand-made challenges and improve your current game experience.
  • All corporation missions and plot missions remains available and unchanged if you don't have LU.



The amount of credits given in rewards increases with your ranks (trade rank for trading missions, combat rank for other missions).

The formula is simple : 1 rank = 1%, so you can have a maximum of 30% bonus.

Mission offers are limited when your racial reputation is below 2.

  • Stuck In Space : the engine of a TS has been damaged by micro-asteroids. Protect the ship during repairs and

    escort it back to its destination.
  • Hunting Machines : defend a station from a Xenon attack. You must destroy at least one ship to validate the mission.
  • Taxi Express : transport passengers from a station to another.
  • Smell Of Napalm : bring missiles to a station.
  • Snack Break : bring food to a station.
  • Mineral Trip : scan asteroids. These asteroids are created for the mission, have low yields but can be of any

  • Heavy Convoy : a TL and its escort fleet are being attacked in a nearby sector. Join them, protect the big

    ship and escort it back to its destination.
  • Weapons Dealer : bring lasers to a station.
  • Low Interest : minor mission. Lend money to people in a station. They will repay you with 10% of interest.

    Requires a station reputation of 2, except in Teladi sectors.
  • Risky Future : minor mission. Invest money into a station's project. It asks for more money than Low Interest,

    but is not as safe. Requires a station reputation of 2, except in Teladi sectors.
  • Golden Opportunity : minor and pirate mission. Buy a used ship. The ship is fully equipped and in perfect shape.
  • Back To Business : dynamic mission. If a station has an empty stock of a primary resource, you will be asked

    to build a station that can provide. These stations will be exported if you use LU's EI feature.
  • Heroes Needed : dynamic mission. If hostiles are detected in the sector, you will be asked to destroy them and

    bring back the peace. Hostiles are Xenons, Kha'aks and Pirates.
  • Escape Attempt : some prisoners escaped from an ally ship. Catch them before they reach an enemy station.
  • Surgical Strike : destroy some ships of the enemy faction.
  • Sabotage : use a bomb to destroy a Pirate base.
  • Deadly Skirmish : join an ally fleet in an unknown sector and destroy Xenon fleets.
  • Cyber Boarding : hack a ship, deactivate its firewalls and kill the police ! Be careful, it's probably one

    of the hardest missions of XM-R... Will reward you with a Blueprint if you have a HQ.
  • Direct Assault : destroy an escorted TM in a pirate sector.
  • No Smugglers Allowed : destroy a group of TPs but beware ! when the first TP is destroyed, the other ones

    will try to jump out of the sector. Synchronization is the key.
  • Wanted : a bounty is placed on your head and you must survive all mercenaries.
  • Yaki Rebirth : time to extend Yaki activities. It's a pretty classic plot with stations to build, things to destroy,

    wares to bring. Reward : the possibility to overtune your ships engine at the Yaki Shipyard (10% of the

    price of the ship - 20% more speed).

    Requirement : Go to the Shipyard in Senator's Badlands.
  • The Bridge : eradicate Pirate threat between Elena's Fortune and Aladna Hill. This plot is inspired by the

    MOBA genre. You earn resources by destroying Pirate Bases, and use these resources to strengthen

    the automatic waves sent against the enemy sectors, or build Orbital Weapons Platforms. You can also give

    orders to the next wave (one every hour), whether you want it to attack the next sector or defend the

    one you've just conquered. Reward : 200M credits.

    Requirements : Fight Rank 21 - Go to the Military Outpost in Elena's Fortune.
  • Special Stations : the 1.4 introduces four new mini-plots that follow the same pattern and let you build special stations.

    These mini-plots are repeatable every time you want to build another special station, but you must first unlock each of them with

    Perk Points. So, for each station, you must first dock to a corporation's HQ, bring some resources, place your station (a total of

    5 station reputation points are needed), then bring 6 trained marines to fully activate it.

    Arena : this station offers various challenges that will take you to an empty isolated sector, with a new ship. Your

    goal is always the same : destroy every enemy ships. There are 3 difficulty levels and 5 challenges per level. Challenges are

    randomly chosen, and they are always linked to a station. When you complete a challenge, you gain 1 station reputation and

    1 badge. These badges are various, they can give you lasers/missiles/OWP/lasertowers, train one of your marines or overtune/repair your ship.

    Peacekeeper : the main purpose of this station is to increase the reputation reward given by all stations in

    the sector for completing a mission. However, this station is affiliated with Atreus and Splits don't really like Borons and the

    idea of peace. So every hour, Split pirates will assault your Peacekeeper. Their forces will become stronger over time. Fortunately, if you

    have enough money and Perk Points, you can build Orbital Weapons Platforms through the Peacekeeper to help you defend your asset.

    Keep in mind that it will be very hard to keep your station alive more than 48 hours...

    The Peacekeeper can be improved with Perk Points to increase more reputation rewards. All Peacekeepers remove the racial rank requirements in their sector.

    Note : Orbital Weapons Platforms come unequipped.

    Data Relay : this station has two modes. Once a mode has been activated, you cannot go back. The first mode is the Ship Mode. It allows you to hack ships

    in the sector to steal data, such as coordinate data that will give the location of a ware full of credits, or confidential data that you can sell to a station to

    increase your station reputation. In this mode, you need to build Transcoders to intercept data from roaming ships. Transcoders have a limited range, so be sure to place them intelligently.

    The second mode is the Station Mode. That mode is much harder, but you can hack into stations to steal docked ships. It requires some skills !

    Mostly, it requires time, because you can be backtraced. This time can be increased by adding your current Data Relay to your personal network. More Relay in a network means more time to hack.

    Of course, bigger ships requires more time. If you are backtraced... oh wait, if you are backtraced you'll see what happens ; but don't expect things to happen right after the backtrace :)

    Workshop : five special equipments can be built in here. The Mineral QPlex Scanner (scan all asteroids in a sector), Shield

    Rechargers (come in 5 variants : 10MJ, 30MJ, 80MJ, 300MJ and 800MJ), the Engine Booster, the Amplitude Magnetizer and the Hacking Console (needed by Data Relays). Of course,

    it's not just about unlocking some cheaty gear. Each of one has a blueprint that you need to unlock locally with Perk Points. Then

    you need to build the desired equipment, which can take up to 16 hours for the Shield Recharger of 800 MJ (one equipment at a

    time). Then each activation of this equipment requires Energy Cells and triggers a cooldown (35 minutes for the same Shield Recharger,

    for instance). The other equipments have also a counterbalance. The Engine Booster consumes a lot of Energy Cells and force

    your speed at its new maximum for a few seconds. The Amplitude Magnetizer can recharge your laser energy, but will reset your shields

    and has a chance of damaging your hull. All these equipments can be activated through your PMA. Shield Rechargers have an Auto-Recharge

    option, that you can customize for every single ship of yours, making the Recharger a valuable equipment.

    Note : your ships can use their Transporter Device to receive an equipment from a Workshop if they are in the same sector.

Warning : when you place special stations, the location is not tested, so it is possible to mess things up and make a station collide into another one. So be careful !



Copy the content of the archive into your ...x3tc\addon folder.

Rename both .cat/.dat using the if needed. If you don't have other fake patch, you have nothing to do. These files remove all vanilla generic missions.

The script is disabled by default. Go to Options -> Gameplay -> Artificial Life Settings to enable it and be able to assign the hotkeys.

Compatibility : only.

You can do everything you want with this script.



  • 7323-L044.xml
  • 8423-L044.xml (Litcube's Universe Export/Import file)
  • <t id="1245">COMMAND_TYPE_SHIP_45</t> (the same one as to make both scripts incompatible with each other)
  • Global variables prefix : "XMR_"


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